
December 04, 2023

Exchange of haberdashery | How to create a reference guide for businesses in 2023?

How can companies create user guides in 2023? A user reference guide is a document or guide provided by an enterprise to help users make better use of products or services. It may provide product or service manuals, troubleshooting guides, FAQs, etc. to help users solve problems faster and more accurately and improve user experience. With deepening digital transformation of enterprises and changing needs of users, creating an effective user reference guide has become an important challenge facing enterprises. This article explores how businesses can create user guides in 2023.

1. Identify user needs and pain points

Before creating a user reference guide, you need to understand needs and pain points of user, determine what help they need and what problem they need to solve. You can understand user needs and pain points in following ways:

  1. User research. You can understand needs and pain points of users through questionnaires, user reviews, etc., and collect user suggestions and opinions.
  2. Analysis of user data. By analyzing data about users using products or services, you can understand their habits and pain points, as well as identify common problems and questions.
  3. Learn from competing products. By analyzing user reference guides of competing products, you can understand user needs and pain points, and find great examples and reference experiences. By understanding user needs and pain points, we can better design and write user guides and improve user experience.
Exchange of haberdashery | How to create a reference guide for businesses in 2023?
2. Choose right user reference tool

Choosing right tools for reference books can improve efficiency and quality of reference books for users. Common user help tools include following:

Wiki tool. A wiki tool is an open, collaborative website that allows multiple people to collaborate on editing and maintaining its content. Its advantage is that it can easily share and spread knowledge, promote collaboration and innovation. Common Wiki tools include Confluence, MediaWiki, etc.

Help documentation tool. The Help Documentation Tool is a tool specifically designed for writing and publishing help documentation that can provide a variety of formats and layouts that make it easy for users to find and use. Common help documentation tools include HelpNDoc, RoboHelp, etc.

An online help tool. The online help tool is a web-based online help system that can provide real-time help and support so that users can get help anytime, anywhere. Common online help tools include Zendesk, Freshdesk, etc. By choosing appropriate user help tool, you can improve efficiency and quality of user help guide, providing users with a better experience.

3. Write a user manual

When writing user guides, keep following points in mind:

Brevity and conciseness. The User Reference Guide should be concise and concise, presenting features and operating procedures of product or service in simple and clear language, avoiding overly professional or complex terms.

Clear structure. User reference guides should be categorized and organized according to function or topic, and have a clear directory structure and chapter titles to make it easy for users to find and use.

Combined with images and text: User guides should be combined with images, icons, animations, and other techniques to help users better understand and use products or services and improve user experience.

Comprehensive and accurate. The user reference guide should present features and methods of using product or service in as much detail and accuracy as possible so as not to miss important information or be misleading.

Timely Update: The user's reference guide should be updated, revised, and improved in a timely manner based on user feedback and product updates, so that users can obtain latest and most accurate information. Writing high qualityx help guides for users can improve user experience and product value, as well as increase user attachment and loyalty.

Fourth, provide a variety of ways to use

In order for users to use user guide more conveniently, enterprise can provide various methods of use, as follows:

Multilingual support: If company's products or services are aimed at global market, it can provide user guides in multiple languages ​​to meet needs of users in different languages.

Multi-Channel Support: User Help Guides can be posted to multiple channels, such as company website, social media, mobile apps, and more, so users can get help anytime, anywhere.

Search function. You can add a search function to User's Help Guide to make it easier for users to find and use relevant content.

Help Center. You can set up a dedicated help center on your corporate website or app to provide various help and support, such as online customer service, community Q&A, etc. By providing multiple usage methods, you can improve usability and user experience of help guide user, and provide users with better help and support.

5. Optimization of user's reference guide. After creating a Help Guide, businesses can also optimize User Help Guide in following ways to improve user experience:

Collecting user feedback. You can use user reviews, questionnaires, etc. to understand how and how satisfied they are with users, and make improvements and optimizations in a timely manner.

Track user behavior. By analyzing user behavior data, you can understand usage and pain points, and optimize content and structure of user guide.

Constantly update content: In accordance with product updates, user feedback, etc., content of User's Help Guide can be constantly updated and improved to keep it complete and accurate. By using above optimization techniques, quality and efficiency of user's reference guide can be continuously improved, as well as user experience can be improved.

Six. Summary

A Help Guide is a document or guide provided by a company to help users make better use of products or services. When creating a user reference guide, you must first understand needs and pain points of user, select appropriate user guide toolreviewer, write a high-quality reference user guide, provide multiple usage methods, and optimize reference user guide. Through continuous improvement and optimization, you can improve user experience and product value, as well as increase user attachment and loyalty.