
May 30, 2023

How to manage the privacy of confidential electronic documents

How to manage the privacy of confidential electronic documents

In conditions of informatization, manual method of writing, which in past was used mainly in preparation of documents and materials, is being replaced by computer input, and traditional method of transferring paper media, which was previously used in work of documents and materials, is increasingly being replaced by network transmission, instead of Since then, confidential electronic documents have become main category of confidential documents and data privacy management. Unlike management of confidential documents and materials on traditional paper media, a large number of confidential electronic documents are stored on computers and storage media of government officials, which, of course, greatly complicates management of confidentiality. It can be said that management of confidentiality of confidential electronic documents is more dependent on improving quality of confidentiality of government officials.


Problems to pay attention to in process of generating confidential electronic documents

The creation of confidential electronic documents refers to process of compiling and creating confidential documents and materials using electronic input equipment such as computers. When compiling and producing confidential electronic documents, following confidentiality standards must be observed.

1. Processing equipment must comply with privacy requirements

Confidential computers and confidential equipment must be used in compiling and issuing confidential electronic documents. Computers and equipment for compiling and producing confidential electronic documents should determine level of classification according to highest level of confidentiality used in everyday life and mark level of classification. It is prohibited to use non-secret computers and equipment for compiling and producing confidential electronic documents, and it is also prohibited to use low-secret computers and equipment for compiling and producing highly confidential electronic documents.

2. The processing site must be safe and secure

Compilation and production of confidential electronic documents should be carried out in a relatively closed environment within an agency or division. It is not advisable to install confidential equipment or process confidential documents in an external reception window and in places that receive more foreign personnel. In cases where secret meetings or secret events are to be arranged and carried out on site outside facility, a temporary secret room must be set up on premises and personnel responsible for security and secrecy must be appointed. It is forbidden to take home confidential documents for processing.

3. Keep confidentialProcess

Relatively secretive measures should be taken when compiling and releasing confidential electronic documents. In presence of unauthorized persons, they must stop working and block contents of documents. Redisplay.

4. It is necessary to properly handle technological materials

Drafts, drafts for review, revised drafts, drafts for discussion, and other technological drafts generated during compilation and production of confidential electronic documents should be marked in document catalog and stored in a folder. After compilation and production are completed, process drafts that do not need to be retained should be removed in a timely manner to prevent leakage of secrets caused by erroneous copying. Documents and materials on paper, formed in process of submission for consideration and countersignature, are subject to circulation and storage as confidential documents and materials.


Issues to be aware of when classifying confidential electronic documents

For confidential electronic documents processed in confidential network of office automation system (open access system), special encryption software must be used to perform encryption and recording procedures of documents, and encryption results must have such a characteristic that they cannot be changed without network authorization. When processing classified documents on an independent secret computer or a computer on a secret network that does not operate an open access system, procedures for classifying paper media and writing records must be performed. The state secret must be marked on corresponding position of electronic document related to secret. The technological project of confidential electronic documents to be stored must also be marked with a state secret sign.


Issues to be aware of when storing confidential electronic documents

Confidential electronic documents must be stored in encrypted form. Computers on which confidential documents are stored and processed must be equipped with passwords in accordance with level of confidentiality, and passwords must also be set for opening documents for highly sensitive confidential documents. Secret network databases should be protected by technical privacy standards, and where conditions permit, centralized storage and control of classified documents on network should be implemented. Removable media for storing classified documents must be protected by both a media password and a document password.


Problems to watch out for when transferring confidentialnye electronic documents

Confidential electronic documents must be transmitted through confidential equipment and confidential networks. When transferring secret electronic documents over secret networks, an electronic receipt is provided indicating time of receipt and person who signed it; when transferring secret electronic documents between secret networks of different levels of secrecy, extreme security measures are required, and only networks with a low level of secrecy are allowed Information is transferred to a network with a high level of secrecy, and information about a network with a high level of secrecy cannot be transferred to a low-secret network, associated with class secret. If confidentiality-related electronic documents need to be transferred without passing through a confidentiality-related network, a designated person must have a removable privacy-related storage medium or optical disc for delivery and retrieval procedures. It is prohibited to transfer classified electronic documents over Internet and other public networks and unclassified office networks, and it is also prohibited to use unclassified mobile media to transfer secret electronic documents.


Issues to be aware of when using confidential electronic documents

Privacy-related networks should establish a privacy management system for use of secret-related electronic documents. Each confidential document must have access permissions. Personnel not authorized to view electronic documents associated with a secret may only open approved documents with approval of a supervisory authority. Access authority, personnel authorized to download, copy and print confidential electronic documents must go through registration and approval procedures, and any person is prohibited from download, copy and print confidential electronic documents. without authorization. For stand-alone computers associated with secrets and networked computers associated with secrets that do not have a document verification program, it is necessary to clarify responsibility of each computer user for managing privacy, standardize approval procedures for use of electronic documents associated with secrets. such as viewing, downloading, copying and printing, and a strict prohibition against unauthorized use. Security-related computers and security-related networks should establish an audit system for use of classified electronic documents, review audit records regularly, and promptly correct violations.


Issues to watch out for when digitally converting sensitive files

Digital conversion of secret files consists of converting paper secret files that have been stored for many yearst, into digital electronic files associated with secrets, using photography and scanning in accordance with requirements of digital file digitization. The digital conversion of sensitive files must be carried out at a location within an agency or department that meets security and privacy requirements, and a dedicated person responsible for operation and management of privacy must be assigned, which must be separate from digital transformation of unclassified files and must be processed using special electronic equipment related to secrecy. If agency or unit can do conversion itself, it is best to arrange conversion for their own staff. If conversion requires outsourcing services, it should have a qualified unit licensed by administrative department perform conversion and sign a confidentiality agreement with them Pick up and send to designated locations Reliable staff in institutions and departments. During this period, it is necessary to strictly control and prohibit operators from taking confidential files and results of their digitization outside bodies and departments.

After digital conversion of classified files is completed, computers, media, and conversion equipment used to store conversion results in agencies and departments must be managed in accordance with highest level of confidentiality for storing sensitive electronic data. files. If trusted unit brings its own equipment and storage media, it will take back all storage media containing confidential electronic files upon completion of conversion work and store or destroy them as secret media.